Project page

LibBulletML, C/C++ BulletML interpretation library


BulletML is a XML language designed the display bullet pattern in 2D shooter game, more information about this language can be found there.
For my personal use, I've been pushed to develop an interpreter for this language in C/C++.
This lib reads a BulletML file, feeds a small interpretation structure, and execute one frame of script execution so it can be called every frame by the game main loop.

Interpretation result can be seen here :

Project status

Developement for this project is currently put to sleep.
Even though the interpretation result may not be strictly identical to reference implementation, this lib is fairly usable


libBulletML uses Expat lib for XML parsing. This lib will be need the compile program that use libBulletML.


libBulletML is provided under the terms of the BSD licence.
